Tuesday, October 18, 2011


He was playing beside the pond when he saw a beautiful girl with very long red hair and nature green eyes. He was falling in love with her. After that meeting, they often play together beside the pond. Play with koi fishes, splashing water. The girl never fall in love before. Her world was gray, alone without any friend. But, she was falling in love when she know the boy. Her world become colorful, and she's not alone. They promise to be together forever, but the boy didn't know that the girl was a fairy. Mortal and immortal. They can't be together forever. One of them will die just like human do.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Logos

These are the logos which I've ever made.

Logo Manna Institute

Logo Macaroni Mami

Logo Asademia 1

Logo Asademia 2

Logo Asademia 3
Logo Cita Akademia 1

Logo Cita Akademia 2

Logo Meraih Cita-Cita

Logo Cita Akademia 3

Logo Cita Akademia 4

Monday, June 27, 2011

My Boyfriend's 18th Birthday

My Boyfriend
His name is Febrianto, he was born on February 1993. 
Febrianto and Noverina, isn't our name match? :P
I was thinking to made something different for him.
 So I made this picture as an extra gift for him.
The Extra Gift

Digital Illustration & Coloring

The first experiment in digital coloring. Some people said this is cool, but some didn't.
So, I try to make the better one.

 Watch out, the Snow Princess will knock your door and she'll make you freeze.


Juice Splash

Unfinished Illustration
A boy in a crowd, fisted his orange juice box until it spilled out.

Your Tears is Our Fantasy

Unfinished Illustration
Sometimes life can bring us down. Sometimes everything feels so right, you can laugh a lot as you like, feels like you're the luckiest person in this world, and everything looks like heaven for you. But when the life's changing, it depend on yourself. Can you hold on tight? When you lose control, you cry. Realize, there are lessons and blessings behind your tears. So, wipe your tears now.

Illustration Story: There is a girl crying in her class. She has a magic tears. The magic tears could bring life for other living. The plants grow up, and the fairies play happily with her tears. She has a knife, to kill herself when she feel like no happiness.


Tried to make the objects detailed, but...

One of my experimental art.
You can see this picture on KaWanku Magazine,  71st edition, 2010.

Girly Gothic Vector Art

Gus Dur T-Shirt Design


Tribute to Misa Campo 1

Tribute to Misa Campo 2
Actually I didn't know her so much. I joined a group of graphic design, and they made this challenge; Tribute to Misa Campo. Anyway, enjoy these pictures.


1st Photo Manipulation

1st Digital Coloring

My 1st Award on KaWanku Magazine
Those pictures are my first experiments. Not too amazing, I know. But the first award boost up my passion in digital illustration. You can see my picture on KaWanku Magazine, 49th edition, 2009.


Hello, my name is Noverina Trihartini, but you can call me Rina. Yes, I was born on November 1993. Still young, eh? LOL. I'm a graphic designer, and a art student at Trisakti University. I'll share my portfolios to you, but remember, you can't use any picture and text without permission. If you interested with my drawings and designs, you can send me e-mail to my e-mail address: carbodioxides@yahoo.com or carbodioxides@gmail.com, and errr...don't mind about the e-mail address on my picture. Enjoy!